Failures in hill cut slopes in residual soil is a serious problem in tropical countries where often involved lives and of course impute a negative economical impact on the local authorities. The key cause of the failure is the infiltration of rainwater into the slope, which changes the distribution of the matric suction within the slope. The presented slope stability charts would be very useful for the quick preliminary assessment for the safety of such slope. These slope stability charts incorporated the effect of infiltration in its analysis. The infiltration effect of reducing the soil shear strength and increasing the soil bulk unit weight as water seeps into the soil pores which in turns cause an increase in the disturbing factor are taken into account. These factors are essentially significant in the case of steep slope and especially the rain induced shallow type of slope failure. These stability charts are developed using a slope stability computer programme, which is customised for the purpose of developing these charts. The variability of the soil moisture characteristic curves for various soils are taken into account. When the matric suction and the volumetric moisture content are among the variables in the slope stability equation then soil-water characteristic of the soil can be incorporated in the stability analysis of unsaturated slope. Since there are many other variables involved in the stability assessment of unsaturated slope therefore the outcome is invariably complex. It is not like a direct solution but it produces the slope stability variation with respect to the selected variables and required further in situ information like the climatic and the hydrological aspect of stability before stability interpretation can be concluded. Most important of all, these stability charts are handy and able to give a quick preliminary assessment on the safety of a slope.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


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